Holland’s storm water program focuses on complying with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit required by the Ohio EPA. The Village falls in the Maumee River watershed and pollutants in area storm sewers, creeks, and ditch networks directly affects the health of not only the Maumee River and Lake Erie, but the entire Great Lakes System. Keeping the local catch basins, sewer inlets, ditches and creeks minimally impacted by pollutants helps stop deterioration of our drinking water and recreational water areas. The Village has adopted the Lucas County regulations for stormwater controls; links are provided below to those documents.
Lucas County Stormwater Mgmt Plan
Storm Drainage Design
Lucas County Soil & Erosion Control
DRAFT Lucas County Illicit Discharge Regulations_2022
The basic steps necessary to adequately reduce storm water pollution include:
Public Education and Outreach
Public Involvement and Participation
Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination
Construction Site Runoff Control
Post Construction Storm Water Management
Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping
The following links provide information on keeping storm water in the forefront during the year. Information provided by the Stormwater Coalition, a committee of the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG)
Change in the Weather
End of Season Pool and Hot Tub Draining
Winter Ice & Snow Removal