Holland Community Building

This building is not booked on major holidays.

Seating 64, the community building has a refrigerator, microwave, icemaker and warming oven in the kitchen. There are eight (8) 60 inch round tables with eight (8) chairs each.

Rental is for a twelve hour block of time ending no later than 10pm. Renters must pick up key at the administrative offices and place in the drop box at the community building at the end of the rental.

Rental fee = $325 and includes the $100 refundable damage deposit. All fees are due within 30 days of making the reservation and payable by check or money order only.   


Damage deposit, less deductions, if any, refunded within 45 days of event completion.  


Please call  419-865-7104 ext. 301 or email sturm@hollandohio.com for more information.