Planning Commission

Planning Commission is comprised of the Mayor, one Council member, and three residents of the Village of Holland. The purpose of Planning Commission is to ensure that projects, both residential and commercial, will not adversely affect our community.

Site plans for major projects are presented to Planning Commission for review. The applicant for a project will need to submit plans to the Lucas County Engineer and Sanitary Engineer for proposed work on roadways, storm sewers and sanitary sewers, in addition to the review by Village Planning Commission. Planning Commission reviews the site plan for adherence to the zoning code and that all engineering criteria are met prior to granting the project its approval.

Planning Commission also reviews requests for variances from the zoning regulations such as location of fences and accessory structures and size of signs. Planning Commission also hears appeals of the decisions made by the Zoning Administrator

Meetings of the Planning Commission are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m., in the Municipal Building.