Zoning FAQ

Zoning FAQ

Q. When do I need a zoning permit?
A. A zoning permit is required to construct, alter, remodel, or enlarge any structure within the Village.

Q. What needs to be submitted with my zoning permit application?
A. Residential applications must be submitted with a drawing indicating the location of
The main residence, all accessory buildings, fences. The drawing should indicate the distances from the street and all property lines. The appropriate fee must be submitted with the permit application. Please see the Residential Site Plan Requirements  for more specific information.

Commercial applications require more detailed plans to be submitted with the application, as well as the required fee. Site plan requirements for commercial projects include exterior elevations and landscaping plans, for more specific requirements, please see the Commercial Site Plan Requirements Section.

Q. When DON’T I need a zoning permit?
A. Zoning permits are not required for most minor repairs such as siding, window replacement, roofing projects or landscaping. Keep in mind that the City of Maumee will require a building permit for these types of projects.

Q. What is the difference between a zoning and building permit?
A. A zoning permit is issued by the community in which the project is located. The zoning permit indicates that the proposed construction is compliant with the zoning regulations for the community. The Village contracts with the City of Maumee for building permits and inspections. Building permits ensure that the construction will meet all current State of Ohio building code regulations.

Q. How do I get a building permit?
A. Building permits are issued by the City of Maumee Building Regulations Department. They are located at 450 W Dussel Maumee, Ohio 419-897-7075. No building permits are issued unless an approved zoning permit is provided at the time of application. For minor repair projects, the zoning division will issue a letter stating no zoning permit is needed. More building permit information can be found here.

Q. Where do I get a zoning permit?
A. Zoning permits and applications are available at the Village offices, 1245 Clarion Avenue. Office hours are Monday thru Friday 8:00 to 4:30. Zoning Applications may be printed from this site..

Q. When erecting a privacy fence, which side should face the neighbors?
A. Accepted practice is to install the “good” side facing the neighbors. There are no regulations on how to install the fence.

Q. How do I know where my property lines are?
A. The Village can provide information on how wide or deep a lot is, the only sure
way to know where the actual boundary lines are is to have a survey of the property completed. The Village does not provide surveying for properties located within the Village.