Links to information regarding living in the Village are provided here for your convenience. Don’t hesitate to contact the Village for further information. 419-865-7104

Solid Waste and Recycling Collection

Tuesday collection of both refuse and recycling is provided by Village contract with Lucas County and Republic Services.

Carts may be placed to the curb after 6 pm on Monday and must be removed form the curb by 6 pm Tuesday.

Extra bag tags for refuse bags that do not fit into the cart are available at the Village offices. Cost is $1 per extra bag.

Bulk item tags for large items such as mattresses are also available at a cost of $10 per item.

The Village only accepts cash up to $10, personal check or money order may be used for purchases above $10.


Income Taxes

The Village contracts with the Regional Income Tax Agency (R.I.T.A.) for collection of its 2.25% local income tax. Filing is mandatory whether tax is owed or not. You may register with R.I.T.A. by calling 1-800-860–7482 Extension 5002 or at All inquiries regarding taxes should be directed to R.I.T.A.


Block Parties

An application for a block party can be obtained by clicking here. The Village will provide road barricades with the maintenance department delivering and picking the barricades up for the event. Party organizers are responsible for erecting and dismantling the barricades.


Garage Sales

A permit is required for a garage, yard or basement sale. The permit fee is $3.00 and allows the resident to hold the sale for a three day period. Each residence is limited to two permits per year. Signs may be placed out before and removed after the sale.

Download a Garage Sale Permit application

Once a year, usually in May, the Village sponsors a Village wide garage sale and waives the permit fee. We also compile a listing of participating addresses for distribution and place a print ad in the local paper. 2024 Garage Sales will be held on May 16, 17 & 18.

On-Street Parking

Residents are asked to observe the posted signs regarding on street parking. During winter months residents will be required to remove vehicles from roadways when more than 2 inches of snow is predicted. This will help the snow plow clear your streets more efficiently. Vehicles may be moved back to the roadway once the plow has cleared the street.


Right of Way Parking

Parking of vehicles in the right of way in front of a residence on a permanent basis requires approval from Plan Commission and the area must be hard surfaced with stone, asphalt, etc. Those parking areas in existence prior to 2004 are grandfathered and their use may continue until the roadway is improved with curbs. No right of way parking areas are permitted on curbed streets.



Driveway regulations require residents to obtain a permit for any change to their existing driveways. This includes paving existing stone or enlarging driveways. Section 3118 of the zoning code further explains these regulations.


Recreational Vehicles

SECTION 3004:           Parking and Storage of Recreational Vehicles.

All recreational vehicles stored or parked in any district shall be subject to the following regulations (Ord. 27-2000):

Be owned by the occupant of the property.

The units shall have no fixed utility connections.

This equipment shall not be used for living or housekeeping purposes for more than fourteen (14)

All recreational vehicles parked or stored outside of a properly zoned, enclosed building shall be parked behind the rear building line of the main structure.

Recreational vehicles shall be parked or stored no closer than five (5) feet to any lot line and no less than ten (10) feet from the main structure.

Recreational equipment may be stored anywhere on the premises for the purpose of loading or unloading for a period of not more than 48 hours.

No more than two recreational vehicles shall be stored or parked on any lot outside of a properly zoned and enclosed building. Recreational vehicles covered by tarps, tents, supportive tents, and frame tents are considered one piece if mounted on a trailer and two pieces if the equipment is disassembled from its trailer.

No recreational vehicles shall be stored on any B1, B2, B3, M1 or M2 zoned lot unless the business manufactures, stores, repairs, or sells recreational vehicles.


High Grass

Properties in the Village are required to be maintained at less than 8 inches. Any property with grass, weeds or other vegetation over 8 inches will be posted and required to be mowed within 5 days. If not mowed, the Village will mow the property and invoice the property owner. Invoices not paid within 30 days will be assessed to the property taxes. Properties will be posted only once during a given season which allows the Village to mow the property as needed.



Properties abutting sidewalks are responsible for their upkeep including any needed repairs. Sidewalks are required to be kept free of any obstacles including snow and ice. Snow and ice are required to be removed from the sidewalks within 24 hours of accumulation. Failure to clear snow and ice from the walks in that time frame will result in the Village clearing the walkways and invoicing the property owner. Invoices not paid within 30 days will be assessed to the property taxes. The Village is NOT required to give any notice prior to clearing the walkways.



Use this link to determine whether your Holland address is really in the Village!


Street Lights

Street lights are the responsibilty of Toledo Edison. Outages, flickering or any other problems with a street light should be reported to them. This is best accomplished by reporting to their website at Edison Street Light Outages .


Street Trees

Trees planted in the right of way area are referred to as street trees. There are certain species of trees that cannot be planted in the right of way. Please check the street tree list and ordinance for more information.


Storm Water

Storm Water runoff and the pollutants it picks up are directly deposited back into waterways without being treated. The Village is a member of TMACOG’s Stormwater Coalition and co-permitte on the Lucas County NPDES permit required by the federal EPA. Be sure and visit the storm water page on this site to find out how you can help make sure only rain goes into the drains!


Utility Aggregation

The Village is part of the North West Ohio Aggregation Coalition. The NOAC negotiates pricing with electric and natural gas suppliers on behalf of it’s member commuities residents. The current aggregated electrical supplier is Energy Harbor.  The contract with Energy Harbor expires May 2025 and the cost is 6.30 cents per KwH.

Constellation NewEnergy is the natural gas supplier for NOAC. The contract expires May 2024 with a cost of .158 per CcF.  As of May 2024, there will be no aggregate gas supplier. If you had Constellation New Energy , you will automatically be changed to Columbia Gas of Ohio for both gas supplier and billing. IN OCTOBER 2024, ALL AGGREGATION GAS USERS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY SWITCHED TO ARCHER ENERGY. THE CONTRACT WITH ARCHER ENERGY WILL EXPIRE JUNE 2026. Residents may contact Palmer Energy at 419-539-9180 with questions regarding the aggregation program.

If you want to remain with the Aggregation utilites,  do not respond to any”drop-out” mailings you receive.


Yard Waste

Beginning January 1, 2022, the Village has changed yard waste suppliers. Residents may now take their yard waste, Christmas trees, and grass clippings to Ohio Compost for free drop off. No yard waste cards are required but be prepared to show your drivers license when dropping off materials.

Ohio Compost is located on US20A/Sager Road between Laplante Road and Whitehouse Spencer Road.


Frequently Called Numbers

Police, Fire or Rescue Emergency 9-1-1
United States Post Office Holland Branch 419-865-2601
Springfield Township 419-865-0239
Springfield Township Fire 419-865-4136
Springfield Local Schools 419-867-5600
Springfield High School 419-867-5633
Springfield Middle School 419-867-5644
Holland Elementary School 419-867-5656
Toledo Area Mosquito Control 419-726-7891
Toledo Edison- Street Light Outages 1-800-447-3333
Norfolk Southern Railroad Police 419-254-1551
Ohio State Highway Patrol 419-865-5544
Lucas County Sheriff 419-213-4941
Lucas County Auditor – Real Estate Taxes 419-213-4420
Lucas County Building Regulations 419-213-2990
Lucas County Sanitary Engineer 419-213-2926
Lucas County Board of Elections 419-213-4001
Lucas County Dog Warden 419-213-2800
Lucas County Health Department 419-213-4100
Lucas County Road Maintenance 419-213-2892
Toledo Area Humane Society 419-891-0705
Holland Springfield Chamber of Commerce 419-865-2110
Holland Branch Library 419-259-5240