Swimming Pools
No private swimming pool, provided it is located in the buildable portion of a lot or in the rear yard, with a diameter greater than twelve feet (12’) or with an area of more than one hundred (100) square feet or with a capacity greater than five hundred gallons (500) or more, shall be allowed in any commercial or residential district, except as an accessory use and unless it complies with the following conditions and requirements.
The pool is intended and is to be used solely for the enjoyment of the occupants of the principal use of the property on which located.
It may not be located closer than ten feet (10’) to any side property line and the principal structure on said property.
The swimming pool, or the entire property on which it is located, shall be walled or fenced to prevent uncontrolled access by children from the street or from adjacent properties. The fence or wall shall not be less than forty–two (42) inches in height, and shall be maintained in good condition with a gate and lock. As an alternative to installing a separate fence or wall around an above ground pool, the wall of the pool, and if necessary, railing built around the top of the pool wall to a height not less than forty-two inches may be considered the enclosure for the pool. All ladders for this type of pool shall be removed or locked when the pool is not in use or left unattended.
Pools may not be located closer than ten (10) feet to any public right of way or within any portion of the front yard.
Permits are necessary. Zoning Permit Applications may be retrieved from this site.